Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation

CPM Inscription Brochure 16-17

CPM Brochure d’inscription 16-17

e-booklet COD-Season III – Courtesy of the CODTEAM

Për herë të parë Masteri mbi politikat dhe Menaxhimin Kulturor në Ballkan bashkëpunon me një institucion publik Shqiptar ( COD – Qendra për Hapje dhe Dialog pranë Kryeministrit) duke ofruar mundësinë e shkollimit për dy studentë shqiptarë dhe duke mbuluar të gjitha shpenzimet për ta.

Center for Openness and Dialogue Stipend (Tirana) for the MA IN CULTURAL POLICY AND MANAGEMENT (Interculturalism and Mediation in the Balkans), UNESCO Chair, University of Arts in Belgrade and University Lyon 2.

The Call for the next generation at the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management, University of Arts in Belgrade has been launched and COD is willing to provide a full scholarship for the academic year 2016-17. The Scholarship ëill cover the tuition fee and living expenses in Belgrade during the academic year, as well as working at COD in Tirana the following year.

The Fellowship aims to encourage and stimulate candidates from Albania to apply for this international master study program. COD will provide one or two scholarships to the best candidate/s (Albanian national/s) selected by the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management.

If you are interested in social activism and culture, you want to learn how to write projects,

as well as to be part of an international environment in the heart of the Balkans,

UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management is the right place for you!


Application deadlines:

–      21th June 2016

–      20th September 2016



–      Milena Dragicevic Sesic, PhD, University of Arts in Belgrade

–      Camille Jutant, PhD, Université Lumière Lyon 2{:}