Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation

The Ministry of Culture, in accordance with the main directions of the general state policy and the program of the Council of Ministers, exercises its activity in the following areas of state responsibility:
– Drafts, programs and develops national policies on culture, cultural, material and spiritual heritage, increasing religious tolerance and cultural dialogue and cultural integration in the family, European and world, in accordance with the program of the government of the Republic of Albania.
– Drafts and coordinates the work for policies in the field of art and culture through educating the population, revitalizing values and cultural heritage, promoting public and private investments in these sectors, monitoring the way public funds are used in support of development cultural, cultural education, protection of cultural heritage, preservation and continuation of the tradition of religious harmony in Albanian culture, as well as regional cooperation.
– Drafts protective and promotional policies for cultural, material or spiritual heritage, as well as creates the necessary, legal and supportive spaces for the preservation and cultivation of written culture, for artistic creativity in general, as well as to promote the achievements of Albanian culture and to increase the competitiveness of the Albanian cultural product beyond the borders.
– Drafts policies for the existence of Albania as an active partner in international, European and regional organizations, in the field of art and culture and cultural heritage, through accession to the relevant institutions.
– Leads, programs and supports activities, national and international, with the aim of identifying and developing cultural, artistic and literary trends within the country, as well as the inclusion and comparison of the best national and regional values, such as inherited and contemporary ones and for the creation of a pan-Albanian dialogue space and cultural diversity.
– Through the dependency structures, it carries out the registration, supervision and monitoring of the respect of copyright and other rights, related to it, by subjects, natural/legal persons, private or public, users of literary, artistic and scientific property .
– Perform other functions and activities in accordance with the law.