Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation

The Ministry of Culture in Albania is launching today, April 10 th 2020, a contest for the selection of 10 young writers for the valorization of the territory through short novels. The aim of the contest is to create 10 short novels with the territories involved in the HAMLET project. The writers will look into their territory features, cultural heritage and traditions. The results of such a deepening will be at the basis of the creation of 10 short novels in which writers will highlight local features of appointed towns or villages that they have discovered. The contest will be concluded with a unique published book that will contain 30 novels (from Italy, Albania and Montenegro) and will be published to be distributed all across the Programme area.

The contest, which lasts until May 10 th 2020, will involve for participating, young writers from Albania and in particular will offer an opportunity to perfect their skills by participating in a creative project.

For more details, please refer to the CALL for writers and application form, presented attached.

HAMLET Call for Writers ENG
Hamlet – Call for Writers. Annex 1 ENG