Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation




Referred to Law 27/2018 “On cultural heritage and museums“, Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 581, dated 28.8.2019 “On the operation and manner of development of the activity of the Regional Directories of Cultural Heritage“, of Law 7961, dated 12.07.1995 “Labor Code of the Republic of Albania< /em>”, amended, as well as the requirements of the procedure defined for competition in the Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 173, dated 07.03.2003 “For the appointment, release or dismissal from office of heads of institutions, depending on the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister or the Minister“, the Ministry of Culture announces the competition for the position:</p >

  • Director, in the Shkodra Regional Directorate of Cultural Heritage – Salary category III-b

*Deadline for submitting documents 22.09.2021

General job description for this position:


  • Objectives of the institution

The Shkodër Regional Directorate of Cultural Heritage has as its mission the tracking, study, design, conservation, restoration, supervision, approval, promotion and publication of cultural heritage for the territory it administers.

DRTK Shkodër, in the territory it covers, performs the tasks as follows:

  1. Performs systematic verifications or on the basis of submitted requests for the state of cultural assets in the territory it administers, as well as exercises technical control for the conditions of preservation of cultural assets, including museum funds, as well as areas subject to the provisions of indirect protection;
  2. Perform interventions, conservation and restoration works on cultural assets based on projects approved by the National Council of Cultural Heritage;
  3. Performs the supervision and approval of the implementation of works on material cultural assets, in accordance with the decision of the competent bodies;
  4. Take over works for interventions in immovable cultural assets, including typologies of works for conservation and restoration of facades, conservation and restoration of interior artistic elements, preservation of archaeological cultural values;
  5. Notifies the owners or possessors of the initiation of the indirect protection procedure;
  6. Perform controls for the implementation of legal obligations related to the opening and use by the public of cultural assets, compliance with the conditions defined in the act of alienation and other obligations provided for in the law;
  7. etc
  • Objectives in Administration
  1. It is responsible for the design and implementation of the objectives of DRTK, in accordance with the policies, programs and strategic plans of the ministry responsible for cultural heritage and
  2. the mission of DRTK;
  3. Monitors and controls risk factors that endanger the achievement of DRTK objectives;
  4. Plans, directs and coordinates the general functioning of the institution;
  5. Directs the administrative work of DRTK and represents the institution in relations with third parties.
  1. Conditions for competition and special criteria:

1.1 The candidate must meet the conditions for competition as follows:

  1. To be an Albanian citizen;
  2. To have full capacity to act;
  3. To master the written and spoken Albanian language;
  4. To be in health conditions that allow him to perform the relevant task;
  5. To fulfill the legal requirements for the educational level and to possess the necessary professional skills for the relevant workplace;
  6. Not have been convicted by a final court decision for committing a crime or for committing a criminal offense with intent;
  7. Disciplinary measures of dismissal have not been taken against him due to a serious disciplinary violation;

The candidate must meet the following special requirements:

  1. To have a university education at the level of “Scientific Master” in Social Sciences or Engineering Sciences;
  2. Have at least 3 years of work experience in the profession, and/or have professional and documented experience in the field of cultural heritage;
  3. To have distinct communication skills in maintaining and developing contacts inside and outside the institution, as well as with local and international partners;
  4. Having experience in building and maintaining relationships with donors and other interest groups.
  5. Having very good knowledge of the English language, other languages are an advantage.
  • Documentation, delivery method and deadline


Applying candidates must submit the following documents:

  1. Curriculum vitae (CV);
  2. Photocopies of the diploma and list of notarized grades;
  3. Photocopies of the work book (all pages certifying work experience);
  4. Photocopies of ID;
  5. Certification of health status;
  6. Certification of judicial status;
  7. Any other document that certifies the training, qualifications, additional education, positive evaluations, recommendations or others mentioned in the candidate’s biography.
  8. *The candidate must submit a platform for the administration of DRTK Shkodër.
  • The field of knowledge, skills and qualities on which the interview will take place

Candidates will be tested on:

  • Knowledge on Law no. 27/2018 “On cultural heritage and museums“;
  • Knowledge on Law 7961, dated 12.07.1995 “Labor Code of the Republic of Albania“, amended;
  • Knowledge on the Decision of the Council of Ministers no. 581, dated 28.8.2019 “On the operation and manner of development of the activity of the Regional Directories of Cultural Heritage“.