Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation

Armando Lulaj receives the “Danish Jukniu” award

The work borrows an almost monumental self-homage of the dictator Enver Hoxha, as a starting point for a conflictual re-dedication. Before the historical fact, which Lulaj defines as the foundations of his work, is described as a simple conceptual su...

Kumbaro explains the artists about the reform in TKOB and TK

Albanian artists have been working without regular contracts and in an illegitimate manner for years! This is the statement of the Minister of Culture Mirela Kumbaro, one day after the protest of the artists of the Opera and Ballet Theater regarding ...

A small town of books

The National Historical Museum, yesterday turned into a small town filled with books. As soon as he climbs the red carpet laid out for the visitors, high school students await, who offer a sensitive panorama of a work process. Full article:  gazeta-...

Spanish literature week on Book Day

Every April 23, since 1930, a public reading of Miguel De Cervantes’ masterpiece, “The Wise Man Don Quixote of Mancha” has been organized in Spain. The Embassy of Spain in Albania joins this initiative by organizing today at 11:00 a...

The book fair in Spring, as the “trust” of Ardian Klos

The lack of an alternative fair dedicated to the book was often discussed. When Ardian Klosi announced three years ago that the Albanian Book Society created by him would organize a spring fair, which was expected to be held on International Book Day...