Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation

In the context of improving legislation in the field of books, and taking into account the pronounced decline in interest in books and the need to promote a culture of reading, the Ministry of Culture presents for public consultation the preliminary draft of amendments to Law No. 9616, dated September 27, 2006, “On books in the Republic of Albania.”

The changes to the aforementioned law aim to alter the situation concerning books and reading in the country, create conditions for enhancing financial capacities and increasing human resources available in the field of books, improve the publishing climate in the country, ease the taxation of books as intellectual products, and provide equal opportunities for all members of the community of publishers, writers, translators, and researchers.

Reducing the number of mandatory copies delivered to the National Library and local libraries is another step intended to reform and facilitate the relationship between publishers and memory-keeping institutions in the country, aligning with contemporary standards.

Furthermore, the presented draft expresses the intention to simplify the procurement procedures for the National Library and the network of public libraries in Albania, in cases involving the purchase of books and materials of particular importance that fall under the category of rare funds.

The draft law has been prepared by representatives of the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with interest groups in the field of books. Recognizing the necessary contribution of all stakeholders in the field, the Ministry of Culture makes the proposed draft available to ensure a transparent and inclusive process until the final draft is approved.

This draft represents the first step in the process of finalizing changes to the current law, and you are welcome to provide comments and suggestions by communicating together at the following address:


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