Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation

Today is a day of great people.

In the year 1911, a star was born, Migjeni, who, although he lived a short time, continues to shine and hold a place of honor in the constellation of Albanian literature

While 20 years later Dritëroi was born, who lived a long time and illuminated the life of Albanians with his talent and wisdom, even when it was full of gloom .

I would not like to take the role of a researcher and talk about the values of everyone’s work, but as a reader I can say with full mouth that Albanian literature would be lacks without Migenin and Dritëroin.

For the short life that he lived, Migjeni left us only a bunch of creativity in poetry and prose, but so powerful and incomparable to his predecessors that created an eternal place for himself in Albanian literature.

Migheni was probably the first to deheroize literature. Migjeni is often considered the “poet of misery”, referring to his famous poem “Poem of Misery”, but the feeling that Migjeni’s work leaves me with is beauty.

Migeni found the beautiful even where others did not see it, the great in small and perhaps despised things of the time.

Migjeni was the poet of exceptional youth, who has left us the bequest: “Laugh, youth! Laugh! The world is yours”.

As if he foresaw the dark times that our country would go through later, Migjeni fled from this world, leaving behind us the mystery of what he would have done in the years of the dictatorship.. Vergu his and his heart tells us that he would never have conformed.

Ismail Kadare would call it “The Interrupted Hurricane”, while I would call it “Uninterrupted”, as the legacy and influence of his work continues to be as powerful even today.

Dritreoi lived in other times. With other restrictions, fears.., precisely in the times of conformism and danger, but also within that frame, which was called “socialist realism”, he came out of the scheme, becoming one of the poets and the most beloved Albanian prose writers.

Like Migjeni, he brought poetry down to the people, but maintaining a high artistic level. Both had a very strong weapon: thetongue. They were her masters.

Therefore, the aesthetic pleasure we feel when we read the works of these two great writers is immense.

Except Dritreoi had time to mature. To his halo of writer and poet was added that of a wise man, everyone’s friend. Dridrei, despite his political beliefs, was and is one of those figures who brings everyone together, left and right. His door was open to everyone.

There are hundreds of witnesses who can tell us today that Dritëroi was not just a former high-ranking official of one of the highest organizations of culture and art before the 90s, but above allhe was the ubiquitous friend and his house was the refuge of many of those considered the “enemy of the class”. It was inconceivable then, and it is still today, how he managed to keep his balance, and the only answer that comes to mind is, He was human after all!

So today is also a special day, perhaps not enough to hold two such figures but that I am happy that in the pantheon of Albanian literature, each of them has a very special place.