Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation

The rare mosaic is discovered in Durrës

During the reconstruction of the “Gjergj Kastrioti” high school, very important archaeological finds were discovered both in terms of typology and the history of the development of the ancient city. It is about a column base, wall fragmen...

Villa 31 is transformed into an artists’ residence

Villa 31, the former villa of dictator Enver Hoxha will be included in an artistic project that will transform it into an art residence. In the presence of the President of the French Republic Mr. Emnamuel Macron, the Albanian Prime Minister Mr. Edi ...

Albania-France, agreement in the field of cinematography

The Ministry of Culture and the National Center of French Cinematography signed a cooperation agreement in the field of cinematography. During the Berlin Summit that was held in Tirana, the Minister of Culture Mrs. Elva Margariti welcomed the ministe...

Shpallja e Thirrjes Bonusi i Rijetësimit

  NJOFTIM PËR SHPALLJE THIRRJE BONUSI I RIJETËZIMIT   “Bonusi i rijetëzimit”, pjesë e Fondit Kombëtar të Kujdesit të Trashëgimisë Kulturore Materiale, është një nisëm e pervitshme e Ministrisë së Kulturës / Qeverisë Shqipta...


THIRRJE E HAPUR FONDI I ARTIZANËVE Ministria e Kulturës në përputhje me misionin dhe politikat për promovimin dhe krijimin e hapësirave mbështetëse dhe promovuese për artizanët dhe zejtarët shpall: Fondin e Artizanëve 2023. Kjo thirrje e ...