Ministria e Ekonomisë, Kulturës dhe Inovacionit

I would like to thank you all for your presence here, as well as the World Bank for helping facilitate today’s event.

As you may have noticed, we are in the process of hosting several high-level meetings and events during the next couple of days, on the eve of the Regional Leaders Summit, which will be held on the 29th of February.

We are at a crucial phase of the integration process. The European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, announced last June a new growth plan for the Western Balkan countries, with an aim to bring Western Balkan closer to the EU. The New Growth Plan focused on four main pillars: the EU Single Market, Regional economic integration, Acceleration of

fundamental reforms, Increased pre-accession funds. All of us are now working towards designing our respective reform agendas.

Meanwhile, the EU is allowing candidate countries an “accelerated integration” and “phasing-in” to individual EU policies, the EU market and EU programs, aiming to enhance the competitiveness and productivity of Western Balkans businesses, while fostering increased investments in the region. Accelerated integration will provide access to a market with more than 450 million consumers, where 85% of Western Balkan businesses believe that their products, goods, and services can not only survive, but also compete and thrive.

Unfortunately, trade potential within the region, as well as between the region and the EU, remains below its potential. While the EU is the leading trading partner for the Western Balkan, the trade balance remains uneven – a trend which we need to revert in the future.

The Common Regional Market Action Plan has been developed to spark economic growth and development in the region, aligning it to the EU. Founded on the four freedoms – movement of goods, services, people, and capital – it seeks to facilitate these processes through digital innovations, institutional reforms, and infrastructure investments.

According to a World Bank study, the full implementation of the Common Regional Market Action Plan would result in a 6.7% GDP boost for the Western Balkans. The establishment of the Western Balkans Common Regional Market – open, inclusive, and based on EU rules and standards – remains crucial for taking full advantage of the potential of the region and of

the Economic and Investment Plan, and is a stepping stone towards further integration into the EU Single Market.

To date, the region has signed a roaming agreement, three mobility agreements, established Green Corridors and Green Lanes, adopted the new transitory rules of origin and two framework recognition programs for authorized economic operators and for trade in fruits and vegetables.

Furthermore, the Western Balkans Trade and Transport Facilitation project is improving border crossing points, reducing waiting times, and allowing for an improvement in the tracking of transit transport across the region.

However, further integration into the European Single Market calls for the expansion of these reforms, improved collaboration between the region, and reduction of trade barriers with bordering member countries.

This is why, we have sought to work with the World Bank to develop an extension of its project, or, as we are calling it, WBTFF 2.0.

This potential second phase will be built on the successful foundations which have been set by the preceding steps. The second phase might include, but not be limited to:

· Investment in Blue and Green Lanes;

· The creation of a One-Stop Border Crossings with the EU27;

· Mutual recognition of Authorized Economic Operators to facilitate trade in goods by simplifying customs;

· The development of a common regional infrastructure and mobility plans;

· Improvements in the Quality Infrastructure system within the region, and accreditation of regional products for trade in the Single Market.

As you may have noticed, many of these projects aim at improving trade within the region as well as trade between the region and the EU. While the latter remains the goal, it cannot be fully achieved without the former. The creation of a thriving regional market, that allows the region to benefit from regional synergies, is not only necessary to improve economic growth, but also a precondition to preparing the region for the process of European integration.

Today’s meeting will hopefully lay a foundation for the further expansion of trade and transport reforms within the region and between the region and the EU.

We all agree on the ultimate path for our countries as well as for the region. It is now time to take concrete steps which facilitate and accelerate the journey which we have promised to our citizens and businesses.

By improving transport and mobility within the region, we will move one step further to the full integration of the region in the Single Market.

I am very confident that today’s discussions will give fresh momentum towards higher regional cooperation and phasing in into the EU Single Market.

I wish you the best and I look forward to your final conclusions!